What to Do if You Over Indulge!
It’s Monday and you’re running late. After an hour long battle, you’re ready to go to work; but not after you completely destroyed your bedroom and closet just to put on that old pair of pants and that black sweater outfit you’ve affectionally named Old Reliable. You feel like crying. We’ve all been there.Read More…
Donuts, Track Circuit & Hair Extensions!
Donuts, Track Circuit & Hair Extensions! I hope you guys like my new youtube video! It’s been kinda hard to lift since my nose surgery so I thought I would show you guys what I do on my active rest days, plus some donut awesomeness, because duh! I just wanted to take this moment toRead More…
Is Butter A Carb? - The Importance of Good Fats in Your Diet!
We all know this scene from Mean Girls; its arguably one of the most beloved quotes from the film and over the years has become my absolute favorite in the long list of MG lines that apply to my every day life. I love it because it perfectly illustrates our no-questions asked nutritional culture inRead More…
Strong Vs. Skinny
This week I sat down and searched the internet for articles and pictures about a common epidemic “Skinny vs Curvy.” Sadly, I didn’t have to dig too deep to find a handful of garbage waiting for me to stick my nose in. Just like every other women, I kept searching, and clicking, and reading untilRead More…
Head Games - How to Make it
Anyone who has ever competed in the fitness industry knows all too well the every day challenges we face, not physically, but mentally. When you’re in this industry, it’s easy to find you comparing yourself to others. I’ve done it, & still do it every now & then. But one thing I’ve learned is thatRead More…